9.20 - July 7, 2024

  • Updated all the URL links to reflect web site changes.

8.19 - June 25, 2023

  • Desktop edition: Migrated the add-in from Windows Forms application to WPF application.

8.18 - June 21, 2023

  • Microsoft Store edition: Migrated the add-in from Windows Forms application to WPF application. This makes it look better on high-resolution screens.

7.18 - December 6, 2022

  • Optimized the procedure that detects the version and bitness of the installed Excel.

7.12 - September 14, 2022

  • Microsoft Store edition - Migrated the main app from Windows Form Application to WPF application.

6.11 - November 5, 2021

  • Microsoft Store edition - The main app window: Shows the status of the add-in installation.

5.11 - August 19, 2021

  • Microsoft Store edition - This version installs an add-in to Excel. It is no longer necessary to run the main app (the starter app) to activate the buttons inside Excel.

4.15 - June 1, 2021

  • Optimized for multiple monitors and high DPI monitors.
  • Requires .NET framework 4.7.2.

3.11 - April 20, 2020

  • Now you can call to show the date picker calendar from your own VBA code, using the syntax: Application.Run "DisplayDatePicker"

2.26 - June 27, 2019

  • Optimized the calendar window positioning so that it is shown inside the workbook window even when the clicked cell is located near the right-bottom of the workbook window.

2.25 - January 27, 2019

  • Support for Excel or Office 2019

2.24 - April 23, 2018

  • Added a new option "Number of past months to show" to the "Settings" window. If this is a non-zero value, it shows the number of past months prior to the selected or default date on the calendar.

2.23 - August 3, 2017

  • New feature: Support for ISO week numbers.

2.22 - October 30, 2016

  • Bug fixed: when the screen text size is scaled to a custom value, the buttons on the calendar don't show correctly.

2.21 - June 19, 2016

  • Bug fixed: With previous versions, if you insert a date into a cell by using Pop-up Excel Calendar (Excel Date Picker) and then fill a serial of date values into adjacent cells by dragging the Fill Handle, the "Auto Fill Option" box might not appear in some situations. This bug was fixed.

2.20 - December 6, 2015

  • Support for Microsoft Excel 2016.

2.15 - August 15, 2015

  • Support for Windows 10.

2.11 - May 10, 2014

  • The "Set 'Date' Text" dialog box, which can be opened from the Settings window, allows you to define a special word list; if a cell contains any word in the list, the cell below the special word cell will be seen as a date cell, and the date picker will be activated.
  • Fixed the bug: the mouse scroll wheel does not work for the active sheet after selecting a date value from the calendar (date picker).

2.10 - February 10, 2014

  • This is a completely redesigned and recoded version of Pop-up Excel Calendar (Excel Date Picker) version 1.x. Pop-up Excel Calendar (Excel Date Picker) now supports the latest Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 versions, both 64-bit and 32-bit.
  • New option on the Settings window that allows you to set calendar (Date Picker) dimensions in width and height. For example, you can set the calendar to show two months in width and one month in height.
  • New options on the Settings window allow you to adjust the background color, border color, and font color of the calendar.
  • New option for showing week numbers.

1.7.7 - April 5, 2011

  • New feature: The date picker offers a new option that enables the pop-up calendar to show a default date for a target cell.

1.6.6 - December 23, 2010

  • New feature: Support for Microsoft Excel/Office 2010.

1.5.5 - December 3, 2009

  • New feature: The new option "Date can contain time" allows you to specify whether Pop-up Excel Calendar works for dates or formats that contain a time. If this option is checked, a date containing time part will be seen as a normal date, and the time part will be ignored. This option is unchecked by default.

1.4.4 - November 3, 2009

  • New feature: Support for Windows 7.
  • New feature: Support for dual monitors. The previous version didn't pop-up the calendar if you had dual monitors installed and the monitors were arranged left-right (as opposed to top-bottom) in the Windows control panel. With this new version support for dual monitors is fully implemented.

1.3.3 - May 21, 2008

  • New feature: Support for custom date formats. There are two types of custom date formats, valid date formats and invalid date formats. This new feature allows you to control when the in-cell icon button (calendar) is activated in a more personalized way.

    For more information, please see Custom Date Formats.

  • New feature: Now you can have the calendar display as soon as a date-formatted cell is selected, without having to click on the in-cell icon button that appears. For more information, please see Display Calendar Automatically.

1.2.2 - May 20, 2007

  • New feature: Support for Windows Vista.
  • New feature: Support for Excel or Office 2007.
  • New feature: Support for non-normal views. In the previous version, Pop-up Excel Calendar works in the Normal views. In this version, Pop-up Excel Calendar works even if the worksheet is not in Normal view, for example, Page Break Preview in Excel 2003 and Page Layout in Excel 2007.
  • New feature: Full support for split mode. In the previous version, the calendar works for the last (active) pane only. Now Pop-up Excel Calendar works for all the panes in split mode.

1.0.1 - September 1, 2006

  • Initial release.