Easy to Find

Sometimes it is difficult to find the formulas or names that you care about, especially if you have a large workbook that contains hundreds of formulas.

Now it is easy to filter all the available formulas and names with various criteria, for example, type, scope, or keywords.

There are also extended properties for filtering and finding items, such as visibility, referring to external resource, with relative references, unused name, etc.

main screenshot

Easy to Update

Besides Add, Edit, and Delete, now you can even convert a local name (scoped to a worksheet) to a global name (scoped to the workbook), or vice versa.

To update many formulas or names in a batch, you can even export all the related names or formulas, modify the exported list, and then import the whole list.

The edit window

Easy to Analyze

The relationship between the cells, names, and formulas could be complex, but understanding it is critical before you can update, optimize the formulas, or fix problems.

Formula Manager scans the workbook comprehensively and thoroughly and shows you the referring relationships that you can easily navigate.

Analyze formula and name relations

Easy to Export/Import

Export the formula and name list to a worksheet with a few mouse clicks. You can then analyze or update the exported list.

To update the workbook file with formulas from the exported list, use the "Import" command.

Import names and formulas

Useful Resources

The following third-party and external resources help you understand and use Excel names and formulas:

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