

The template works with both the Microsoft Store edition and the desktop edition of the app. Make sure you have installed one of them.

How to use:

  1. Download the EXE package.
  2. Double-click to extract the files into a folder. Make sure you have full access privileges to the folder, such as a subfolder inside “My Documents”.
  3. Open the template.
945 KBDownload

License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale). See our Terms of Use.


screenshot for Sales Invoicing Format for Germany


As one of the member countries of the EU (European Union), the rules on German VAT registrations, returns, and compliance are based on EU VAT Directives, which Germany has transposed into its VAT Act. This template follows the German VAT compliance rules. It charges MwSt. VAT tax at 19% by default.

The German tax law is very formal, and the VAT invoice requirements are also very strict. The German rules conform to the obligations of the EU VAT Directive and its VAT invoice requirements. Refer to German tax consultants and VAT invoicing rules for more information.

All the text labels are translated into German. The default rate is set to 19%, and it assumes all the items on the form are taxable. In case you need to change the tax rate with our app, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Settings button on the ribbon tab.
  2. Go to the "Taxes" tab.
  3. Enter the tax rate, such as 7% (the reduced VAT rate), into the appropriate text box.
  4. Click "Apply".
  5. Close the "Settings" dialog box.
  6. Save the template.

This template shows no currency symbols. If you want to show the EURO symbols in certain cells, click here.

For a version for service businesses, visit Service Billing Template for Germany (c4099).

If you are not charging VAT (MwSt), you can hide the fields and cells completely by using this "Settings" dialog box. In this case, you'll also need to add a declaration to the form:

Gemäß § 19 UStG enthält der ausgewiesene Betrag keine Umsatzsteuer.

Format and Specification

Belongs to


Format (XLS or XLSX).xlsx
Line Height (Points)19.50
Print Area$G$3:$O$43
Papaer OrientationPortrait
Default Margins (Points)